Friday, February 29, 2008

a world though eyes of a child

Being a mommy blogger I often focus on the obstacles I face with raising my 3 children. I muse about the mountains we are climbing as they seek independence and I long for morals and manners. I write about the hard stuff, the stuff that makes me want to pull out my hair. I do this because...well, parenting is a tough job and while I love my children beyond measure I don't want to be one of those parents who ignores that it's the most difficult job a person can have.

However, today I'm taking a break. No fussing, complaining, or worries today! Today I'm going to be one of those mom's who brag endlessly about the wonderfulness of their children. Today, is all things positive.

My oldest, Erin, is an aspiring thinker. With her beautiful smile and caring nature she opens up a world to me that I still can't believe is possible. She loves to read (or rather be read to I suppose) and amazes me with her willingness to learn.

She may have a twin but she knows that she is her own person and with that comes different desires than her sister may have in mind. She isn't afraid to choose a path different than those around her.

Erin is also an astounding big sister. She works to keep her twin in line (as well as her mom) while taking a caring and attentive attitude to wee one. She corrects us when we have said/done something wrong while finding much joy in making wee one laugh and giggle.

Ireland, my wonderful middle child is the never ending comedian. There isn't a day that she isn't making funny faces or sticking her tongue out in the hopes to get a laugh. She stage dives, tells jokes, and dances all to get a laugh.

Beyond laughter the kid loves to sing. She can repeat a melody with amazing precision. While very shy about her singing she will grace her brother with a song to calm him down or suddenly break into song if she believes no one is paying her any mind. She remembers complete songs and has even began to sing along with my french music while riding in the car.

She immediately knows what she likes and dislikes when it comes to music. She has no problem asking me to replay a song or informing me that we need to hear the next one, the current one just isn't cutting it...and I'm not talking kiddie music here folks. I'm talking greats...Clapton, Fleetwood Mac, Rolling Stones, BB King, Miles Davis...the list could go on but you get the point.

Ireland is also quite the athlete. Just now she was gracing us with the new found ability to stand on her head. She has little abs that would make grown women jealous and this is all with no push or comment from mom...she just enjoys all things athletic.

Michael, what can I say, he's my baby boy. With a smile that instantly melts my heart he has proven to be a good dose of testosterone to the house. He amazes us with his ability to figure things out. Give him a toy and it isn't all about's about finding what said toy does and how well it does it. He is rather fond of a shape sorter from his aunt given this talent.

He is a little explorer. Wee one is moving about so quickly these days. I know he will be walking in weeks possibly. He loves a good tickle and thinks that getting mommy to copy him is hysterical.

While he doesn't sing he loves to hear music. His head whips around if music should come on or his sisters begin to sing. He dances around as if music is the greatest thing to ever grace his life.

I love my children, there is no doubt. They have added something to my life that words can not describe. They grace me with so many things my life was missing before they entered this world. They teach me so much each day while challenging me along the way.

They remind me that this world is worth fighting for and that it's the simple things in life that are usually more worth while.

So, in the spirit of my kids.....forget the toys...give me a box and an imagination any day and I'll show you how the world can be a much better place.