Thursday, February 7, 2008

a father's love

My girls have begun to really miss their father. They miss his presence as they prepare for bed, they miss his evening stories, his willingness to throw them and wrestle with them. They miss knowing he will be apart of each day.

Ireland has began to cry at night for her father and upon talking to him instantly informs him she needs and wants to see him.

While the sadness my children are now feeling breaks my heart I am also empowered by their relationship with their father. His love for them is apparent and their's for him is just as overwhelming.

I find this relationship mesmorizing. My girls will learn much about men and relationships from their father. He will be the one to mold what is expected from future boyfriends. He will be the one to give them unremarkable strength,self confidence, and self worth.

Often a girl's relationship with their mother becomes strained as they enter those dreaded teenage years and a father's love, support, understanding, and guiding hand becomes a remarkable force as it hopefully has always been.

I am grateful because I know that while my husband is a remarkable spouse his fathering is the stuff of dreams. He loves with his whole heart and gives it all to his children and wife. He leaves us knowing that while miles may seperate us at the moment, his love will remain a constant within our lives. He may be living hours away but each day he makes the effort to be involved in our lives and remind his children that he loves, cares, and thinks of them each and every day.

Thank you husband of mine, your family loves you so very much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
