Tuesday, October 30, 2007

maybe in time this will be about those important things I want to write and my no longer toothless baby

So I have at least 10 blogs that I want to do but no time to actually sit down and work them out. I want to show some love to my friends in NC who have helped make this wonderful place home, I want to blog about some social issues that are very important to me but there just doesn't seem to be time right now.

Tomorrow I have an appraisal at 11am followed by a termite inspection at 3pm. Not to mention that tomorrow is Halloween and I have children that are so excited about trick or treating they can barely go to sleep at night.

With the closing on the house one month away I know things will be crazy and I because we are packing up our belongings and moving them to WV within 3 weeks.

My hope is that after I get settled at the beach house I will have some time to write about all that I desire but until then it's going to be tidbits of information as I prepare to move and get closer and closer to selling this home.

I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment and in mommy news.....

Michael has cut his first two teeth..both front two and let's just say nursing is no longer any fun. If he keeps this up he will either end up on formula or I'll end up in tears at every feeding. He will stop using my nipples as chew toys...right????

Monday, October 29, 2007


So today is home inspection day in this wonderful process. I must admit I'm nervous. As a woman, wife, mother my home is my office and a critic of my home is a critic of myself. I just hope they don't find something we don't know about.

On a brighter note we attended our church's Halloween party last evening and really enjoyed ourselves. As you can see just because the girls are twins doesn't mean they think/act alike.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

under contract...and counting

That's right folks. After a very long and trying 7 days on the market our house is officially under contract. It seems that if everything falls into place our home will no longer be ours by December. Hard to believe.....it's just really hard to believe.

I find myself looking around my home taking in each sight, every smell, and reminiscing in those moments long gone. I find myself wondering what life is going to be like 2 months from now or even 2 weeks from now.

With each transition in my life I've always had a destination and a place to call home but with this massive change we are unsettled. Renting the remainder of our stay in NC and complete unknown awaiting in WV. Sure there is family who offered us stay but no place to call ours for many months to come. Our belongings hidden in storage, our pictures packed away from the sunlight, our lives in constant transition.

I am happy that things with the house are moving along and we won't be facing taking care of a property almost 7 hours away. I'm happy that it seems our home will become home to another family with 3 children, the halls still filled with laughter, and the yard still full of toys.

I'm happy that this family seems excited at the prospect of living here, excited about creating a home for their family...I'm just sad that that means we will be leaving this portion of our lives behind.

NC has been home, it has introduced me to some amazing women who have changed my life. It was the place that allowed me to finish college and finally get that degree, it was the place that welcomed my children, it was in so many ways my heart.

So for the next several posts I'm going to be looking back at our stay here and what has made it so special....those special moments and those amazing people who have allowed us to truly feel at home here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

there's nothing like pizza to help you see clearly

Yesterday we had our very first house showing. We received a phone call early afternoon that they wanted to see the house between 3pm and 4pm. So I let the girls finish their nap and by 2:30 we were all showered, dressed, and off to have a late lunch. The girls chose Pizza Hut as our destination and husband and I braced ourselves for the craziness that is eating out.

Much to our amazement....the trip out was rather wonderful. Michael was ready for his nap so he quickly fell asleep in his stroller leaving those of us remaining to eat in peace. The table was equipped with some type of game cards which we used to entertain ourselves until food arrived.

With each course (first salad, then breadsticks, then cinnamon sticks, then finally pizza) we found out what each of our favorites were. Erin for the day chose 1, pink, cat, and Super Why as her favorites. Ireland went with 5, blue, zebra, and Super Why as her favorites. Husband and I were only asked about our favorite color and number but it all amounted to a lot of fun.

Granted it helped that the restaurant was basically empty and the bathroom was close enough that after taking the girls once they and I felt comfortable enough letting them venture on their own the remaining of the stay. I of course sat and watched and waited the entire time they were away just in case someone else entered the bathroom or if they happened to take too long so I could spring into action.

Even though husband wasn't feeling well it was a wonderful experience. One that left me thinking that maybe we will become the family I dream about. You know the family who seems like they actually enjoy being around each other and can have conversations without someone loosing a limb.

My aspirations aren't very high, I know my children will at some point express their utter hatred of me and my parenting. I know they will choose a different path then which I would wish, or they will act in a manner in which I deem inappropriate, but at least I know that for this day we could sit, enjoy a meal, and appreciate each other.

The only down side to the day was returning home only to find the viewers still in our home, talking. We were faced with the stark reality that our home is slowly becoming someone else's and less and less ours. The girls immediately brought to tears by the fact their swing set may become someone else's.

Good day but a dose of reality that our lives will be changing dramatically very soon.

Friday, October 19, 2007

finshed... except for the selling

Here it is almost 2 weeks since I began prepping the house for the real estate market and I'm finally finished. Well....sort of. The house has been painted (interior including living room, hall, master bedroom, and both bathrooms....not to count touch-ups in the other rooms) the outside has been landscaped and a large amount of junk is now out of my house. All but installing new carpet in the master and doing a few minor things here and there it's ready.

While the house is viewer friendly and lends itself to the buying market it has begun to feel less and less like home each evening that I return after a day of trying my best to keep the children from marking up the walls or making large other messes.

With each return I'm amazed to find a sale sign in our yard, and even more amazed that when I walk in I immediately feel like I've entered someone else's home. I suppose this is a good thing...it will make it a little easier to move. I'm also saddened because the wonderful things that we did to make this house a home has vanished.

Who knew trying to sell a house could be so emotional but right now that is what it is.

My friend Jennifer came to the house yesterday to take pictures and have me sign a zillion papers so that the house would officially be on the market. I spent the entire time nervous and worried about selling my home. As much as I dislike our current living arrangements (cramped because of our growing family) it's hard to let go and know that our home will become someone else's. Another family will fill the hall with their laughter and the yard will be filled with their toys, the drive filled with their cars, and the bedrooms which welcomed each of my children to their first home will now house others.

I find myself analysing each photo that now represents my home, each word spoken as if there must be a hidden message. Do the photos show what a wonderful place this can be to live? I fear that no photo could capture the wonderful happenings that our home has allowed. I fear that every word spoken will not be caring enough to capture the beauty the walls were able to experience.

It is said that a house only becomes a home because of the happenings within. My home has witnessed the wonderful journey of newlyweds to the birth of my 3 children. This was not only husband and I's first home together it was also our children's first. I know the girls are old enough to remember their time there but wee one he's just beginning and this home will have very little importance to him.

I know that it may take a long time to sell our house that has been our home. I just hope that these months in limbo will help prepare us for the new journey we take as we prepare to move back to WV in the coming year.

Until then, prepare for crazed blogs about the difficult time I face with trying to keep 4 year olds from putting their dirty hands on the freshly painted walls, or keeping their toys cleaned up, or their inability to really live within their home. I can just hope that the house sells quickly and we are able to regain a small amount of normalcy within our lives.

Until that happens, my prayers are with Jennifer because she is trying to sell a home for a bunch of crazies....and we love her dearly for it!

Monday, October 15, 2007

rest assured i'm still breathing

For anyone who still reads this undiscovered blog just know I'm still around and am missing my blogging life very very much. I promise to return soon with wonderful moments in my life just as soon as I get all the freakin' painting, yard work, and packing completed.

Getting this house ready for the market is proving to be at least time consuming....and extremely exhausting!

Now, if I could just talk my husband into a good foot massage.

Monday, October 8, 2007

weekend review

Our trip home was just as expected. Packed full leaving Sean and I exhausted facing the 6 hour drive home. The weekend was a reminder that we miss these...

And gave us a chance to take in the wonderful view that fall offers...

which was all witnessed while we searched for a home between visiting with family and attending Sean's alma mater's homecoming football game.
We now have an idea of what is on the housing market and exactly where we might end up. Now the fun begins...getting our current home ready for the market.
Exactly how am I suppose to keep a house clean and viewer friendly with 3 little children around?? Luckily, the girls are still in WV with their Nana so that preparations can begin. Anyone want to come to a painting party???
No?????....oh well, it was worth a try.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

shopping drama

With cooling weather comes the need for fall shopping. Wee one is pretty much taken care of because of generous friends with boys of their own. The girls....well that is another story. I truly detest buying pants for them.

What is it with today's clothing manufactures? I have girls, yes, but they love to run, jump, and climb. They can't be wearing skin tight jeans that are better designed for 18 year olds. I have 4 year olds and would prefer that they be dressed as such. There is no need for skin tight jeans, halter tops, or mini skirts. They are 4!

I have a terrible time shopping for them. On the rare occasion that I do find jeans that will work they have to also be adjustable waist because of the girls being so skinny. So finding something, anything is difficult.

We are heading to WV for the weekend and I'm hoping the weather isn't too cold because they currently only have one pair of pants each. I keep putting off shopping for them because I know I'll just end up getting mad at my inability to find a decent pair of jeans.

So weather god...please let us get through the trip without freezing my children's legs off. I promise I'll get them some pants....just as soon as I find a place that sells kids clothing instead of teenagers clothing made for kids. Anyone have ideas of where that would be?

Also, check me out here today. I'm one of The Mom Trap's featured readers.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

tongue tied

Dear wee one's tongue,

Where have you come from? You used to stay in my son's mouth and mind your own business. Now, you are sticking yourself out all the time at any and everyone. You have taken my son's cute smile and made it a silly one.

Don't get me wrong, I find this new silly smile funny, entertaining, and down right cute. I'm just wondering while most babies discover their hands and feet why my son has decided to spend his time discovering your purpose and the many many ways he can thrust you out of his mouth.

He chews on you, sticks you out at unsuspecting bystanders, and pulls on you as if he would really like to see who and what you are.

Thanks for entertaining my son and if possible could you help those stubborn teeth pop on through....they seem to be giving him a fit.

Monday, October 1, 2007

she works for peace

This weekend wee one and I spent our days involved in Parish Social Ministry Training. It was a weekend full of strangers (well strangers in the sense that I have never met them before but not really strangers because you instantly feel like you know them kind of thing) and important information. It was in a sense a reawakening that because I am a mother there are other things I want and feel compelled to do.

A little less than 4 years ago I decided I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. I knew that I felt a great desire to help others. I wasn't exactly sure in what capacity, but I knew that helping was it. I thought about being a school counselor, I thought about being a family counselor, I thought about all kinds of things but it was only after meeting one very special lady that I truly understood what it was I felt I was suppose to do.

Before actually getting to know this lady I saw her as this extremely busy, hand in every pot, crazed church lady. I remember seeing her practically run around church talking to everyone and basically getting everyone going. Now, that I know Kathy I see that she is indeed extremely busy and usually has her hand in several pots....and on occasion is a little crazed while working but she is much more, so much more. What does she do you may ask, well actually telling you everything she does would take days... but in short, she finds ways to help others and help our parish. She feeds the hungry, helps the poor, the elderly, the displaced, those in need. She helps and supports life.

She embodies such positive energy and faith that she makes any task seem possible. She welcomed me, a goofy, confused, recent college grad, and insane mother of 2 into her midst and attempted to educate me on what she did and how I could help.

I still don't know how she gets all done that she does and find enough hours in the day to help so many. However, if you asked her, she would simply say, " I ask". As simple as it sounds it works for her. When she needs others to help, she asks and more often than not they lend a hand. If they can't help this time, she catches them the next go around. With her ability to simply ask she gets the help she needs and thus helps as many as possible. I wonder if she knows that by letting me help she in turn helped me.

After I became pregnant with wee one I found it more and more difficult to put in my very few hours at the church. She being understanding told me to rest. Since Michael was born my free time is even more difficult to come by and yet she understands and still invites me to meetings and attempts to keep me involved.

This weekend was just that, a chance to get involved in something. So with wee one at my side I made the drive up to spend the weekend with Kathy, several other ladies from our parish, and around 145 other people from different places.

I spent the weekend learning and engaged in conversation about the sanctity of life, in all its forms. Regardless of the topic it all came back to respecting life. I learned about immigration, peace vs. war, globalization, poverty, and about "building a culture of life".

I learned so many things this past weekend and I'm sure that as the weeks pass I will share many of them but I just wanted to take today and thank Kathy for allowing my eyes to be opened and for allowing me to follow her around. She has done this by just being who she is....an amazing woman who's willingness to help knows no bounds.

I hope that in the months to come I am able to continue to learn from her... and always call her friend. She has much wisdom to offer and one of the most caring and compassionate hearts I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

Thank you for sharing your gifts and for allowing this crazed mother so many opportunities. It has and will continue to be greatly appriciated.

So in the words I often hear Kathy say, "Work for peace".