Friday, October 19, 2007

finshed... except for the selling

Here it is almost 2 weeks since I began prepping the house for the real estate market and I'm finally finished. Well....sort of. The house has been painted (interior including living room, hall, master bedroom, and both bathrooms....not to count touch-ups in the other rooms) the outside has been landscaped and a large amount of junk is now out of my house. All but installing new carpet in the master and doing a few minor things here and there it's ready.

While the house is viewer friendly and lends itself to the buying market it has begun to feel less and less like home each evening that I return after a day of trying my best to keep the children from marking up the walls or making large other messes.

With each return I'm amazed to find a sale sign in our yard, and even more amazed that when I walk in I immediately feel like I've entered someone else's home. I suppose this is a good will make it a little easier to move. I'm also saddened because the wonderful things that we did to make this house a home has vanished.

Who knew trying to sell a house could be so emotional but right now that is what it is.

My friend Jennifer came to the house yesterday to take pictures and have me sign a zillion papers so that the house would officially be on the market. I spent the entire time nervous and worried about selling my home. As much as I dislike our current living arrangements (cramped because of our growing family) it's hard to let go and know that our home will become someone else's. Another family will fill the hall with their laughter and the yard will be filled with their toys, the drive filled with their cars, and the bedrooms which welcomed each of my children to their first home will now house others.

I find myself analysing each photo that now represents my home, each word spoken as if there must be a hidden message. Do the photos show what a wonderful place this can be to live? I fear that no photo could capture the wonderful happenings that our home has allowed. I fear that every word spoken will not be caring enough to capture the beauty the walls were able to experience.

It is said that a house only becomes a home because of the happenings within. My home has witnessed the wonderful journey of newlyweds to the birth of my 3 children. This was not only husband and I's first home together it was also our children's first. I know the girls are old enough to remember their time there but wee one he's just beginning and this home will have very little importance to him.

I know that it may take a long time to sell our house that has been our home. I just hope that these months in limbo will help prepare us for the new journey we take as we prepare to move back to WV in the coming year.

Until then, prepare for crazed blogs about the difficult time I face with trying to keep 4 year olds from putting their dirty hands on the freshly painted walls, or keeping their toys cleaned up, or their inability to really live within their home. I can just hope that the house sells quickly and we are able to regain a small amount of normalcy within our lives.

Until that happens, my prayers are with Jennifer because she is trying to sell a home for a bunch of crazies....and we love her dearly for it!

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