Thursday, October 4, 2007

shopping drama

With cooling weather comes the need for fall shopping. Wee one is pretty much taken care of because of generous friends with boys of their own. The girls....well that is another story. I truly detest buying pants for them.

What is it with today's clothing manufactures? I have girls, yes, but they love to run, jump, and climb. They can't be wearing skin tight jeans that are better designed for 18 year olds. I have 4 year olds and would prefer that they be dressed as such. There is no need for skin tight jeans, halter tops, or mini skirts. They are 4!

I have a terrible time shopping for them. On the rare occasion that I do find jeans that will work they have to also be adjustable waist because of the girls being so skinny. So finding something, anything is difficult.

We are heading to WV for the weekend and I'm hoping the weather isn't too cold because they currently only have one pair of pants each. I keep putting off shopping for them because I know I'll just end up getting mad at my inability to find a decent pair of jeans.

So weather god...please let us get through the trip without freezing my children's legs off. I promise I'll get them some pants....just as soon as I find a place that sells kids clothing instead of teenagers clothing made for kids. Anyone have ideas of where that would be?

Also, check me out here today. I'm one of The Mom Trap's featured readers.

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