Friday, December 14, 2007

sick kids and sick tree leaves momma sleep deprived

I haven't been blogging....just in case you hadn't noticed. You see I'm in the midst of sick children. Wee one is suffering as his top front teeth struggle to come in at the very same time. Ireland suffering from a reaction to immunizations and now a cold. Erin....well she is just suffering from the wonderful problem of "I want what I want and I want it now".

As we prepare for Christmas I'm hoping that we can get all children (and parents) well so that we won't be needing to blow noses between celebrations. I'm also hoping that family can visit without fear of getting sick themselves.

Since there seems to be so much sick floating around me right now I am falling behind on my holiday preparations. I have manged to loose a box full of gifts (and am fearful that it ended up getting moved to WV. Also, still haven't gotten my Christmas cards out...hopefully they will go out Monday or if I'm real lucky maybe even tomorrow.

If that wasn't enough...our Christmas tree is dying. The poor tree is beginning to look a little brown and seems to have a desire to turn into Charlie Brown's tree to which Erin responds, "But I like Charlie Brownie".

So, I'm going to hope and pray for a nap (cause after a week of sickness I'm more like the living dead than anything else), health, and that our tree makes it at least until Christmas day.

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