Tuesday, December 4, 2007

circuit city...fix my freaking tv before I go insane and leave it on your doorstep

Dear Circuit City,

I realize that this is a busy time of the year for you. I know that there are thousands upon thousands of electronic seeking crazies out there just searching for the next great gadget. I know that you are flooded with calls but would it hurt you to fix my husbands rather expensive giant television?

I wouldn't be so outraged if you had say fixed this thing within the first month but no, here we are well into month two and still this TV is unusable. Why would I pay $2500 to have a TV that doesn't work? Why should I pay to have the extended warranty if you aren't going to fix the freaking thing in a reasonable amount of time?

I have called several times and spoke with several of your "customer relations professionals" and all I get is, "Mam we have sent an email and should receive an answer within the next couple of days".

Excuse me but I'm tired of hearing the same thing over and over....a couple of days were up 5 weeks ago. Also, is it too much to ask that you pick up the freaking phone and call the person rather than relying on yet another email to these mystery people who get to make the call on how best to fix the TV?

Obviously the emails aren't working because here I am into week 6 and still no answer.

I'm getting extremely pissed off and frankly I don't have time to deal with all this crap. You see I'm in the middle of selling my home, living in someone elses and looking to purchase a home 2 states/6 hours away while raising 4 year old twins and a 7 month old without most of my belongings.

BUT, lucky me....I have a $2500 broken television sitting in my master bedroom floor which in my book makes the TV......WORTHLESS. Isn't the whole idea of having a TV so that you can.....watch it? I realize it is doing a wonderful job collecting dust for us currently but I'd much rather watch some HOUSE in HD say....before Christmas when I'm sure to have lost all remaining patience.

A tired customer about to cancel her account and leave this giant pain of a tv on your doorstep

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