Friday, December 28, 2007

peace, joy and UNC basketball

Merry Christmas! Yes, I know it's a little late for most but those Catholics out there know that Christmas is still going strong.


Things in my house have been rather busy and slightly crazy. Oh, so much to tell I barely know where to start.

Christmas at our house was wonderful...granted how can it not be when you have little kids who have the amazement of seeing such joy in things you never imagined. Our Christmas thus far has been full with both toys and holiday spirit.

The girls are busy playing with dolls, horses, and books of one kind or another. Michael is rather fascinated by the cute little toys he now has at his disposal. Momma and Poppa are content with children so joyous...and a little Carolina action thrown in for good measure.

Last night my husband and I had the opportunity to take in a UNC basketball game, our first, and our favorite team so we were over joyed to say the least. It made for a very long night and an even longer day for husband as he had to be at work early this morning. However, so worth it. WE LOVE NCAA BASKETBALL!!!!!

It has been a wonderful time thus far and I'm feeling rather calm, peaceful which is something I rarely experience. I like it and believe that I want more of it in my life. It seems this holiday season is quite agreeable with us and we are enjoying some much appreciated family time.

Who knew reconnecting with your kids and taking a chance to breathe could be so good for you.

May you all have a wonderful (rest of) Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

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