Sunday, November 4, 2007 what?

With inspections behind us (including the home inspection which turned out great) and nothing but a closing in our sights we are beginning to realize moving is inevitable. We are really doing this. Within two weeks most of our belongings will be in storage in WV awaiting our arrival this spring. We will be beach bums the remainder of the winter which I'm hoping will include lots of walks on the beach and many bike rides around the island.

The girls are beginning to gain a small amount of understanding of what is happening but I wonder how all the uncertainty that lay ahead will be handled. I'm hoping since they are familiar with the beach house it will help the process but I'm still wondering how many wonderful behaviors will come crawling out of the wood works because home is no more.

Or maybe.....I'm wondering how I will deal with home being no more.

So now packing begins....but then what? Only time will tell I suppose. Until then I'll be hiding under the bed waiting for the other shoe to drop because this is all going way too smoothly.

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