Wednesday, January 7, 2009

so when does the whole "it gets easier" kick in?

Since I gave birth to twins I have been told, "It gets easier as they get older". Now while I'm sure that in some form that is true I am beginning to believe that from my perspective that statement is full of shit.

I love my kids...each and every one of them. Even if I can never seem to get their names right. I couldn't imagine my life without them, spend my days with them as my main concern and job.

However, since my girls turned 14 months old my life has been extremely interesting...even if only to me. Granted the craziness began the moment they were born. How to breastfeed two? How do change two? How to keep from going insane with two?

After Sean and I finally managed to find a way that allowed each of us to get some sleep and get the girls fed we were off and running...and rather smoothly I might add. That is until...

dun dun dun

They began to walk/run/climb. My girls became huge fans of hiding and even bigger fans of getting into any and everything that would make a mess.

Some of these rather scary yet fond memories include Finding and covering themselves and every inch of the floor in baby powder at 14 months, the girls climbing upon each others back to get over the baby gates at the young age of 17 months, at age 2 they began to team up on me.

This consisted of following me to the bathroom and while I'm attempting to pee one would run off and go straight for the door. While one entertained me the other would run outside and hide. Then they both began running outside and hiding. They of course did this naked on several occasions because for some reason I am still yet to understand they hated having to wear clothing, and took every opportunity to undress.

From this point they began to venture into the road on these escape adventures leading to a neighbor having to return them inside. How embarrassing to have to run for the door as your pulling your pants up because you just know that it's over the girls. And yet again, they were naked.

After this moment I installed alarms on all the doors so at least I was capable of keeping up. This alerted me immediately but amazingly 2 year olds are fast. They would take out the door running and I would find them hiding in a house that was still under construction across the street.

I spent many a day during their "toddler" stage crying. I just couldn't keep up and at every turn they were working together, against me.

This gave way to potty training which needless to say is one of the most difficult things I've ever done. There are days in which I still believe one of my daughters will be in middle school before she finally gets the full hang of it.

Now the girls spend their days trying to get into anything and everything they know they are not suppose to touch. Still playing in baby powder, still putting toothpaste on the floor and attempting to use it as glue (or at least that is what I'm guessing was the motive). They still climb cabinets to get into food they know they are forbidden to have and still hiding anything that might get them into trouble underneath anything they can find.

So if you spill your drink, the only logically answer is to cover it with dirty clothes and pray that mom doesn't find out....or if you find yourself unable to get to the bathroom in time to pee you should shove your stinky underwear underneath your brother's crib because mom would never look under there. My favorite thus far has been been the let's just throw it behind the tv.

At age 5 my girls on well on their way as kids. Yet it is more exhausting than when they were 4 days old and wanted nothing but to eat all the time and never sleep. I honestly believe it's getting harder and harder as they are getting older.

While so many seem to find the infant stage to be the craziest and most exhausting I have preferred it with all 3 of my kids. My little boy is still so loving and will just cuddle with me when it becomes bedtime yet, I still miss those days when he would just smile and wiggle vs. running and screaming.

It is amazing to watch them grow and become little people instead of these little helpless babies and yet there are days when the thought of them continuing to grow and become more independent is enough to send me searching for the nearest closet and a stiff drink which neither are possible currently.

Easier???? Not a chance, easy parenting is in the beginning when you do nothing but feed, change, and love. This whole allowing and teaching children to become self sufficient productive adults is exhausting....and my oldest kids are 5. The only thought I am left with is "God help me when they become teenagers."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, when people say it gets easier, they forget to tell that first it gets harder before it gets easier. The toddler phase is not fun. I've only got one, and he gives me a run for my money. He was also escaping out into the wild until we installed a door knob cover on the front door (the ones that keep toddlers from opening doors). The infant phase is exhausting for lack of sleep and the toddler phase is exhausting with all the running involved. Who needs a gym?