Monday, January 26, 2009

7 years and counting

Today Sean and I celebrate 7 years of marriage. We have known each other for 11 years. Our dating life was rather difficult which is mainly my fault. Granted I'm not sure we would be doing so well had those first few years been easy. The phrase, "We've come a long way baby" comes to mind and is very true.

Within 7 years of marriage we have moved 6 times, had 3 children and our fourth to arrive in March, and survived two periods were work required us to live in different cities and different states.

Looking back it's easier to say it was a piece of cake because we see how far we have come and and much we still love and enjoy each other...yet....marriage is full of ups and downs, easy and hard times.

I believe the difference between marriages working and falling apart is the desire and effort put into those marriages. I was lucky enough to marry my best friend. He is the one I talk to about everything, the one who knows me better than I even know myself sometimes. And from what I know....the same is true in reverse.

We truly work as a team even if one must pull a little more weight than the other at times. We try very hard to not allow outside influences to cause us issue by discussing situations and realizing that first and foremost our relationship must always be at the top of the list.

We are far from perfect and far from having marriage figured out but we have realized that some things work better than others. We know that it takes work and you get into trouble when you are unwilling to do the work.

Some couples aren't so lucky. The quickly jump from relationship to relationship often times from marriage to marriage looking for something to fill a void which makes building a lasting relationship difficult.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm truly blessed to have the husband I have and even though I might want to strangle him from time to time (as I'm sure he would love to do to me as well) I know I'm exactly where I am suppose to be.

Sean, I love you. Here's hoping the next 7 are as crazy and wonderful as the first 7.

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