Thursday, December 4, 2008

dr. dr. you have to help me

I'm still sick. Still fighting this wonderful sinus nonsense that has plagued me for a month. So all I seem to get done each day is getting to girls off to school, feeding and caring for Michael, and fitting in as many naps as I possibly can because I never seem to sleep at night.

I'm rather sick of being sick. So I'm hoping that tomorrow when I visit my OBGYN for my 5 month check up (yes that's right...already 5 months have gone by) I'm hoping that she can do something to help me get well besides asking me to visit my primary dr. which doesn't seem to be working out so well.

Besides just wanting to feel better I'm also having awful dreams about my son being born with extra arms, legs, and mental issues because of the meds the dr. gave me over this never ending sickness.

We also still have no name for our son. I realize I still have plenty of time but it is driving me crazy that I have no clue and haven't really liked the few options we have come up with . I'm in desperate need of some help in this department so again...any ideas???

1 comment:

techteacher33 said...

So... what names are you tossing around? And, do you want Patrick for a middle name or first name? Or... has my husband given me totally wrong info?! lol!
Are you wanting a totally Irish name?