Wednesday, January 23, 2008

caught in the middle

Last night we ventured out to eat something rather than staying home (eating whatever we might find left in the cabinets so that it doesn't have to be thrown out or moved 7 hours).

Ireland was having a rather difficult day. She was whinny and not feeling very well. Upon leaving to partake in dinner she began to question her well as her sisters.

Then her world fell apart. She found out Erin is older. The poor kid cried the rest of the drive to the restaurant followed by crying through most of dinner and even remarked over her dislike of Erin being older on the way home.

Ireland kept begging between tears, "mommy please make me older, I don't want to be smaller".

Who knew 2 minutes could make such a difference in a little girl's life.

Sorry Ireland, I can't make you older but please take some comfort in that you are older than wee one. And yes, I know that doesn't matter since Erin is older as well.

Sorry sweet girl....welcome to your world as the middle child.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I'm the baby of Mom's kids (which I love) and the middle child of my Dad's. Beat that! LOL