Friday, November 13, 2009

my friend, shall we play doctor

It's midnight and you are awoken by a sick 7 month old. You find that your baby has a 102 fever and has green drainage coming from both eyes. Your cell phone has the pediatricians cell phone number. Do you use it?? What if the doctor was also a friend?

I hear stories all the time about parents calling on the doctor the minute anything goes wrong with their child and while this is understandable with first time parents it must become a difficult situation for the doctor, especially if that doctor is also a family friend.

We moved back to WV because it was an area we knew. Our children would be taught by teachers we knew and trusted, and thus came the possibility of having friends also be your doctor...your children's doctor.

Since living here I have had two different doctors, both of which I consider a friend, give me their personal cell phone number to use in case something came up.

I have also had phone calls from others requesting this information so that they could call upon these doctors late in the evening.

However, I have a strict policy. If it's an emergency, I go to the emergency room. If the ER is not necessary, I call the doctors office and go through the proper channels to have my children or myself seen and treated. And more importantly, I never give out a private number unless advised that it's okay to do so.

Trust me, there has been more than one time in which I wanted to use those numbers because it would have made things easier. But I reminded myself that these people are more than doctors, they are wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, and friends. If every patient that they had called each time they had a question or concern I don't think they would get much family time.

Now I know that each family is different and each doctor is different. There are doctors that welcome this intrusion, expect it. I guess it's possible they all do. My kids doctor even said, "that's part of why I'm a doctor, I know it will happen".

For me, I just believe there is a fine line that can easily be crossed when your friend is also your doctor...and I would rather do what I can to respect each relationship and attempt to keep from crossing a line in which my friend is bothered by my phone calls or visits.

What do you think? Is calling your friend/doctor any different than calling a fellow mom for advice? Has there ever been a situation in which your doctor or your kids doctor called for parenting advice?

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