Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'll get there...eventually.

I'm crazed at the moment. Not only am I trying to run a house with 4 screaming kids I'm trying to prep 3 of us to be in a wedding while 2 others are attending, leaving needed childcare for the remaining O'Sullivan.

On top of wedding craziness my father in law is recovering from a stroke. Luckily, it is much better than it could have been. He can talk and move so we are very thankful. Not much to tell currently other than he will start rehab soon so we are all just playing the waiting game.

Also, my favorite book has now been made into a movie and is currently playing. I'm so excited. So I have all kinds of blogs to write if I can find a moment to write them. Here is hoping tomorrow I find a moment because I'm really excited about writing right now.

I promise longer and better posts are coming. I promise!

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