Tuesday, May 27, 2008

get out and get moving

Currently, I'm exhausted. The last few days have been most enjoyable and yet leave me with very little energy.

With Sean home (visiting since he still hasn't been moved) we have been spending time allowing the girls to explore what makes WV special to us. We have enjoyed climbing on rocks, checking out the amazing mountains, and taken in a waterfall or two. The great thing....it's free and the kids are loving it.

With each trek through the woods you would think we paid a million dollars for the enjoyment our children are experiencing. Ireland amazed by each new thing she discovers. Erin taking in the mood and possible danger with every turn while pointing out how it's so amazing. Michael just soaking it all up and taking a moment to pick up a rock and checking the taste.

It may not be the beach but it sure is beautiful and amazing in it's own right. It's one of the reasons we moved back. Sean and I have been here before. Exploring all the "woods" have to offer. Seeing the amazingness nature has to offer through a waterfall or how amazing the trees and grass smell after a rain.

It's all new to them...and so inspiring. It's a reminder that the outdoors have so much to offer, we just need to get up and get out there.

So let's all get moving.

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