Thursday, November 8, 2007

sometimes another mother is your saving grace

I have lived in NC for almost 6 years. This coming January will mark husband and I's 6th anniversary and we've lived our entire married life in NC. When we first settled I wasn't that involved in our Parish but I was happy.

Upon having the girls my life changed dramatically. I was no longer working outside of my home so there were no co-workers to discuss the day with, only my two infants. Sean was busy working and I was busy getting a handle of life with twins.

Slowly, I began to feel depleted as if I only existed as a mother. I loved it but it was more difficult than I had expected. Granted I hadn't expected or planned on twins.

The view of my world changed upon the wonderful opportunity my friend Mary offered. She wanted to start a MOMS (Ministry of Mother's Sharing) group and wanted my help. I was excited, talk about being a mom...that I could do, that topic I knew about.

The group was a little overwhelming at first, so many new people... but quickly these women became friends. We offered experiences, insights, and encouragement when needed. Each of these ladies hold a special place in my heart. They helped me realize that NC could and would be my home.

Because of this group I have gained several amazing friends, friends who celebrated with me when I finally graduated college...they threw me a surprise celebration party. These ladies even threw me a baby shower when I was pregnant with Michael. They have done so much for me, I hope they know how much it has meant to me. So to my friends, I thank you and will carry you in my heart to WV and where ever I find myself. If you ever find yourself in need of a friend, know that I am here...regardless of where here may be.

Nancy - From the moment I met you, I felt connected. I felt our souls understood each other. You have helped me so much by just being yourself and offering amazing support. I kept each card you sent and when I'm having a bad day I pull them out and read them. I love the writer, the mother, and the woman that you are.

Lynn - You love from your inner most being and I admire that about you. You bubble over with love. Also, you cook a mean cake....and I just love helping eat them!!

Rosemary - I admire your drive to help and love that you aren't afraid to have fun. I just wish I could have taken your "women of the bible" class. You inspire me in more ways than I ever could explain.

Laura - I must thank you for a positive change within my home (wink wink) and for all the support and help with the kids. You have helped me realize that we are never alone but rather we simply choose to be left alone for periods of time...which can be a gift in its self.

Jean - You helped me understand that I am more than my obsessive compulsive behaviors and that as crazy as it can be it's important to have fun along the way.

Laurie - I feel your pain, and your joy. Having wild children can you wild. They can be the greatest gift and at times the greatest pain but the love never ends.

Sarah - You are one of the sweetest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I took more than you know from your willingness to share and am a better person because of it.

Marjorie - Lady, you have it together. You are so sweet and kind and one of the best dressed women I know. I admire your ability to "keep it together" and yet be so involved in those areas you grace with your presence.

Jennifer- You amaze me with your calmness and ability to deal with whatever is thrown your way. You are confident and unafraid to be yourself which is truly inspiring. Thank you for understanding my crazy, insane qualities and laughing rather than being freaked out by them. Thank you for the trips to the beach, for lunches, and for times spend just talking. Thank you for your willingness to help and for making selling my home so much easier. I don't think I could have done it without you.

Carrie - Thank you for becoming so close to my children, they love you and count you as a member of their family. Thank you for your friendship, help, and support. It has meant the world to me. You treated my children and I as family, including us in so many of your family activities. You pushed me to be a stronger person, to which I am very grateful. I only wish as things prepare to change that we were as close as we used to be.

Mary - Thank you for your friendship, understanding, concern, help, and so many other things. You have pushed me to better myself, broaden my mind, and accept many of my faults. I will miss our afternoons together so much when I leave. During those times I was more than a mother and yet prouder to be a mother. You were the first person here to take a chance with me and see I had something to offer. Our sharing of stories allowed me to be a better mother, better christian, and a more confident person. Thank you for sharing your writing ability, your stories, your kindness with me. I will forever be grateful.

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