Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I've abandoned my writing...as always it becomes the first thing I fling to the side once life goes speeding down the stairs. The problem with this is that it's one of the things that help me remain centered, mindful, and peaceful.

All of which I currently need.

Have you ever had a thousands questions thumping your brain? Incessantly banging and bringing no answers. It's driving me crazy at the moment.

I spent much of my childhood filled with drama of one kind or another. The drama was never ending and if life did grant me a reprieval I would begin to freak knowing the next event was just moments away. I found myself unable to function without the drama....I expected it, demanded it.

Then, one day I grew tired. I wanted peace, space, quiet.

While my married life has not been drama free the majority of it is calm and easy going. If that is possible with four kids.

Lately, the drama has weaseled its way into my life and has begun to strangle the very air I attempt to breathe.

So I find myself desiring a return to my center. A need to write, even the simplest of words. I need to recognize that even in the smallest amount this is my me time, my attempt to care for myself. So...let the writing begin. I hope.

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