Monday, May 4, 2009

busy busy bee

Ok, so it has been a very long time sine I've typed a word. Granted, I have been a little busy. Don't believe me....let me catch you up.

Well, I spent a good couple weeks with a terrible rash the last part of my pregnancy which had me up all hours of the night because I couldn't sleep so I spent my time pacing and scratching. Turns out I need gallbladder surgery, yippie! On a good note though, I don't have to have the surgery right away since delivering the baby made most of the symptoms go almost unnoticeable.

Of course I also gave birth to my 4th kid, that's right I am now the momma to 4 rugrats. Conor Reed O'Sullivan was born March 24, 2009 weighing in at an even 8 lbs. He graced us with some red hair and a very serious personality.

Since then I have been adjusting to having 5 year old twins, a 2 year old toddler (oh yeah, had his second birthday a few weeks ago), and an infant. Needless to say I don't have enough spare time to visit the bathroom much less head to the basement to write.

I'm hoping however that I am beginning to get the hang of having 4 kids and will be able to start writing at least twice a week if not every other day.

So for now, enjoy some pictures of what has been keeping us so busy.

1 comment:

Hollie said...

I am so glad that you are blogging again. I've missed you and your clever thoughts.