Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'll get there...eventually.

I'm crazed at the moment. Not only am I trying to run a house with 4 screaming kids I'm trying to prep 3 of us to be in a wedding while 2 others are attending, leaving needed childcare for the remaining O'Sullivan.

On top of wedding craziness my father in law is recovering from a stroke. Luckily, it is much better than it could have been. He can talk and move so we are very thankful. Not much to tell currently other than he will start rehab soon so we are all just playing the waiting game.

Also, my favorite book has now been made into a movie and is currently playing. I'm so excited. So I have all kinds of blogs to write if I can find a moment to write them. Here is hoping tomorrow I find a moment because I'm really excited about writing right now.

I promise longer and better posts are coming. I promise!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

busy bee still at work

I had so hoped to make a constant return to blogging....well it's still a little difficult.

FYI: My father-in-law is back in the hospital so please say a prayer. My girls are still playing soccer, I'm trying to get my girls and I ready to be in my dear lil sis' (Ash) wedding in less than two weeks. Which is another post...can we say nursing mom trying to fit into a strapless dress just 8 weeks after giving birth. lol Tune back in for a laugh later. Plus, I'm trying to hang out with some momma friends and keep from locking myself into the house.

Now, I'm going to return to my guilty pleasure of Housewives of NYC and hope to write more tomorrow.

Monday, May 4, 2009

busy busy bee

Ok, so it has been a very long time sine I've typed a word. Granted, I have been a little busy. Don't believe me....let me catch you up.

Well, I spent a good couple weeks with a terrible rash the last part of my pregnancy which had me up all hours of the night because I couldn't sleep so I spent my time pacing and scratching. Turns out I need gallbladder surgery, yippie! On a good note though, I don't have to have the surgery right away since delivering the baby made most of the symptoms go almost unnoticeable.

Of course I also gave birth to my 4th kid, that's right I am now the momma to 4 rugrats. Conor Reed O'Sullivan was born March 24, 2009 weighing in at an even 8 lbs. He graced us with some red hair and a very serious personality.

Since then I have been adjusting to having 5 year old twins, a 2 year old toddler (oh yeah, had his second birthday a few weeks ago), and an infant. Needless to say I don't have enough spare time to visit the bathroom much less head to the basement to write.

I'm hoping however that I am beginning to get the hang of having 4 kids and will be able to start writing at least twice a week if not every other day.

So for now, enjoy some pictures of what has been keeping us so busy.