Wednesday, October 3, 2007

tongue tied

Dear wee one's tongue,

Where have you come from? You used to stay in my son's mouth and mind your own business. Now, you are sticking yourself out all the time at any and everyone. You have taken my son's cute smile and made it a silly one.

Don't get me wrong, I find this new silly smile funny, entertaining, and down right cute. I'm just wondering while most babies discover their hands and feet why my son has decided to spend his time discovering your purpose and the many many ways he can thrust you out of his mouth.

He chews on you, sticks you out at unsuspecting bystanders, and pulls on you as if he would really like to see who and what you are.

Thanks for entertaining my son and if possible could you help those stubborn teeth pop on through....they seem to be giving him a fit.

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