I'm one of those breastfeeding mothers, although I doubt that you will see me doing it since I'm way too uncomfortable whipping it out everywhere. These large friends are to blame. Even with that being said I don't mind seeing mothers feeding their babies. I don't somehow feel I've just witnessed something obscene.
Myspace and Facebook however have taken the stand that pictures of breastfeeding mothers are just that...obscene. When reading about it here and here I realized that it wasn't some silly joke. I thought I must be dreaming because these are the same sites that allow their users to put up incredibly provocative photos such as this which I found on Myspace within a minute.
Regardless of what they allow their users to add to their page it seems the argument against removing a picture of a breastfeeding mother seems at least one sided. If you are going to remove her photo please do us all a favor and remove all those photos that show any kind of nudity. Yes, remove all baby photos in which the child appears to even be slightly nude, remove all photos of women half dressed, leaving nothing to the imagination, remove all those groups promoting anorexia as a weight solution....remove them all. Otherwise you are just a giant stinking hypocrite.
Call me crazy but I just don't understand why someone is afraid of a mother feeding her child. Even my children are on board, breastfeed those babies!
I just wanted to respond to your post. I am a member of a few social sites one of which is Facebook. They removed a VERY tasteful breastfeeding photo of mine a coupld of months ago. Threatening to shut donw my profile if I re-upload it.
Today I come home to find an email from administrators of a photography site I have been an active memer of for several years. They too removed these photos. They deem them as not "family friendly"
Not sure why feed a child is not family friendly. But I wanted you to know that there are so many moms like you and I out there fighting the stigma.
Feel free to e-mail me to discuss.
I find public breastfeeding to be offensive. And don't give me the old "it's natural" argument. Urinating and defecating are natural, too, but people don't do that in public. There's a reason they're called "privates". They should be kept in private.
The first picture had to be the most offensive picture of all. take that down, lady. Nobody wants to see something that disgusting.
That first picture is very obscene, and believe me, nobody wants to see something as disgusting as that.
"I find public breastfeeding to be offensive."
To any and all that have or will say those words I ask you who are you to tell others that they are offending you truly if I were to meet you I am sure that your joke for an excuse of so called life would be an offense to the grand oprotunity of life. So if you are a follower of Christ I say to you let he who is with out sin cast the first stone. If that is not doin it for you than judge not lest ye be judged. If you are buhdist, well as one I say you are a failed buhdist for wasting time on such thoughts when you should be contemplating enlightenment not some one elses boobs. If you are muslum well you should have no problem getting to another country were you would no longer have to fear another womans boobs. If you are none of the above than you are just a speck in the universe and will die one day so who cares what you think is offensive other than you and politicians with no real ways to win an election than to pray on old puritan american fears that are way to rampant still today for my comfort.
I say to all women who breast feed you should do it in public because that is the closest thing to sex-ed that most of those puritans kids are going to get. :)
and fyi, I meant the bfing picture. Nobody needs to see garbage like that.
April 13, 2009 2:17 AM
That was me. Seriously Moderater/whoever you are. I really did mean the BFing photo when I posted that. You might not believe this, but I am that girl.
Nobody should be exposed to that kind of shit.
Yes, pooing and peeing is natural just like breastfeeding BUT the first two are eliminating waste and breastfeeding is feeding a baby!
How can feeding a baby be obscene?
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